About Us
We have a very proactive approach to our large animal work.
All our vets are required to continually attend training courses to keep up their knowledge and skills. This, together with our involvement with XLVets, ensures that we are able to offer an excellent and up to date service at all times.
Client education is also very important to us with meetings and on farm training allowing us to work together with our clients to achieve the best results.
We provide a 24 hour call out service for all livestock and equine related problems and we always have a dedicated large animal vet on-call just to deal with farm and equine emergencies.
- Farm Fertility Visits
- Farm Healthcare Plans
- Routine and Pre-Movement TB testing
- Equine vaccinations
- Bull and Ram Fertility Testing
- Farmer education meetings and on-farm training
- Animal and Product export certification
- We treat a variety of species including goats, alpacas and pigs
Practice Information
Out of Hours
During all periods when the practice is closed, a Veterinary Surgeon is always on call to deal with emergencies. Please call the surgery on 02476 381494 or 02476 384064 to obtain the telephone number of the duty vet.
Fees and drug charges
All fees and drug charges are subject to VAT at the current rate. Fee levels are determined by the time spent on a case and according to the drugs, materials and consumables used. You will receive a detailed invoice for every visit, surgical procedure or transaction with us.
We will happily provide an estimate as to the probable costs of a course of treatment. Please bear in mind that any estimate given can only be approximate – often a patient’s illness may not follow a conventional course and treatment plans will vary dependant upon earlier test or treatment results.
Settling accounts
Your account may be settled by Cash, Cheque, Credit Card (Mastercard, Visa, Delta) or BACS
Problems settling accounts
Farm and Equine clients are usually billed monthly, with bills being sent out in the first week of each month. New clients will be required to pay cash at the time of their first visit. We expect payment in full within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Reminder letters will be sent for unpaid accounts and administration fees will be added.
In the event of a failure to settle the account, debt recovery will be actioned. Severely overdue accounts will be referred for recovery via a debt collection agency or the County Court and further charges (£ 40 minimum) will be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt. Should this action become necessary, this may lead to withdrawal of our Veterinary services your animals.
Any cheque returned by our Bank as unpaid, any Credit Card payment not honoured and any Cash tendered that is found to be counterfeit will result in the account being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and Administrative costs.
Inability to Pay
If, for any reason, you are unable to settle your account as specified, we ask you to discuss the matter as soon as possible with our administration manager, Mrs Debbie Homes. Please note that any agreement to suspend account fees can ONLY be sanctioned with the express permission of our practice manager or one of the Directors.
Equine insurance
We strongly support the principle of insuring your horse against unexpected illness or accidents. Please be aware it is your responsibility to settle your account with us and then reclaim fees.
In exceptional circumstances we may allow payment to be delayed pending payment directly from your insurer. This arrangement will incur a late payment fee (not normally reclaimable from your insurer). Where there is a delay in payment of our fees caused by your insurer your account may incur further monthly fees. If the delay exceeds 3 months we will expect you to pay our outstanding fees (and any incurred charges) and await payment from your insurer.
Patient Records
Whilst all medical records relating to your animals are the property of Midshire Veterinary Group we are happy for you to view these at any time by request.
Visits can be arranged by contacting our large animal office on the above number, or, in emergency, by speaking to the duty vet. We do not do routine calls at weekends or after 6pm. Emergency visits at these times are charged at a higher rate.
We have several vets on calls throughout the morning and usually 2 or 3 in an afternoon and so are able to try and arrange a suitable time to meet you at your convenience. We can usually book routine appointments in within the following few days.
Please be aware that other calls will also be booked and that emergency calls will always receive priority. Please make sure we have a contact number available in case, in the event of us having to divert to an emergency and know we are going to be delayed, we can contact and advise you of this.
Please arrange vaccination visits well in advance – we cannot guarantee being able to attend if you ring on the day of expiry.
Please advise us at the time of booking the call of all the work you wish us to do. One of the commonest reasons we can become late with our visits is because of “while you are here...” requests that we were not told about. Telling us at the time of booking the visit helps us plan our schedule accordingly and keep on time.
Attending the surgery
Our farm office, and separate entrance to the surgery for large animal clients, is located to the right hand side of the front of our surgery premises and is identified by the large Midshire farm and Equine sign. Please press the buzzer and the door will be unlocked for you.
Please note that on Saturdays (and occasionally at other times eg due to staff illness) this entrance will be closed. If this is indicated to be the case, please enter through the small animal reception doors to the far left of the surgery.
Any drugs to be collected will normally be ready for collection from the farm office reception.
Please note that since on a Saturday phones are answered by our small animal staff, this may delay dispensing until the duty vet can be contacted.
Should your animal require more specialised treatment or hospitalisation we are able to arrange this.
Repeat Prescriptions
Only Veterinary Surgeons are able to prescribe and authorise medication. Veterinary Surgeons may also only provide medication to animals under their care. The vast majority of routine drugs are available at the practice. Special orders can be arranged for the following working day. Clients are requested to give 2 hours notice to request medications to allow our farm reception team to have your order ready for collection.
For those patients on long term medications, repeat prescriptions/dispensing may be authorised by the case veterinary surgeon. The period of time that prescriptions can be dispensed for will vary on a case by case basis and will be as advised by the vet. This may vary from a few weeks to several months dependant upon the condition being treated and the condition of the patient.
There is an upper limit on the amount of time we can legally supply repeat medications for before we need to perform a review. In these instances a visit will be required.
Written prescriptions can be provided on request. There is a fee for this service.
PLEASE NOTE we CANNOT refund any medication once it has left the practice premises.
We hope you never have the recourse to complain about the service received from Midshire Farm and Equine. However, if you do have concerns details of our complaints procedure can be found here; https://www.pawsvets.co.uk/content/generic/complaints-procedure
We hope this information helps you understand our Terms of Business. Please feel free to contact the practice with any further questions you may have.
No addition or variation of these conditions will bind the practice unless it is specifically agreed in writing and signed by one of the practice Directors. No agent or person employed by, or under contract with, the practice, has the authority to alter or vary these conditions in any way.